1,科技飞速发展 用英语怎么说

Science and technology is developing rapidly.
Technology is developing fast.
the technology developed rapidly.
the rapid development of technology



With the development of the world, science and technology is also getting higher and higher.随着世界的发展,科技也越来越高
随着科技的发达,一些企业对职工的要求也越来越高.with the development of science and technology, some enterprises to the requirements of workers are getting higher and higher.



时代的发展科技的进步 The development of science and technology英 [tek?n?l?d?i] 美 [t?k?nɑl?d?i] n. 科技(总称); 工业技术; 工艺学; [总称]术语;
with tiny red burns that stung like hornets.
翻译结果时代的发展科技的进步the development of the times the progress of science and technology翻译结果时代的发展科技的进步the development of the times the progress of science and technology


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